Help and Advice

Personal Support

We want you to believe in yourself, finish your course and pass and progress. So whatever challenges you might face when you’re studying with us at Central Education & Training, we make sure you have a support network to help you.

There are teams of staff to help you with careers, counselling, finances, travel, welfare or any other barriers that might get in your way. Your personal well-being is just as important to us as your study, so we’re always here to give you support and guidance whenever you need it.



Your Individual Learning Plan is your personal, on-line record of information relevant to your work at CET.  You can log-in to your ILP to see your timetable, attendance, exam entries and records of your discussions with your tutor and your individual subject teachers.  You should use your ILP to check your progress and your attendance record on a weekly basis.



There may be times when you are experiencing a difficult situation, have work issues, relationship problems, bereavement, depression or anxiety.  The Student Services team, are able to give objective and confidential advice about a wide range of issues, regardless of whether the problem is related to personal circumstances or your studies. If you have concerns about housing, finance, benefits, course fees, child care, home or work issues, transport or employment there is someone here to help you through it.

All staff working at Central Education & Training must be familiar with, and follow, the organisation’s procedures and protocols for the safeguarding and welfare of children and vulnerable adults in the organisation, and know who to contact to express any relevant concerns. They should also be aware of additional policies such as Health and Safety Policy, procedures for dealing with incidents, first aid arrangements and mechanisms for protection of information and data.

If you, as a learner at CET have any concern about your well being, safety or rights, then you should:

  • Talk to your Teacher
  • Contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads

Contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads- see below.

Sarah Berry – Designated Safeguarding Lead  |   01332 290529

Tazim Fayaz – Deputy Safeguarding Lead  |   01332 290529



CET offers a referral system to counselling services to promote the health and wellbeing of all learners.  We are fortunate to have the services of independent counsellors on-site on a regular basis.

The organisation counsellor referral system is available during term time only. To arrange an appointment, speak to your tutor or contact the Reception Desk and ask to see a member of the support staff.



Central Education & Training recognises that members of staff and students have a statutory and moral duty to safeguard the welfare of children and vulnerable adults receiving education, training and care at CET. The organisation’s policy is that the safeguarding of all of its people will be central to all that it does.  This covers all matters connected with learners and staff having a safe learning and/or working environment, ensuring that they know how to keep safe and that they feel safe. It is also concerned with the legal duty to report any instances in which there are grounds to suspect a child or vulnerable adult is suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm.


The Organisation Aims to:

  • Provide a safe environment for all learners
  • Promote safe practices and challenge poor and unsafe practices
  • Identify instances in which there are grounds for concern about the welfare of a child or vulnerable adult and take appropriate action to keep them safe
  • Aid the identification of children, young people and vulnerable adults at risk of significant harm and provide procedures for reporting concerns
  • Prevent unsuitable people working with any of our learners
  • Train staff through induction and inset to safeguard all learners
  • Develop a culture in which both learners and staff are aware of the actions they need to take to become and remain safe
  • Contribute to effective partnership working between all those providing services for children
  • Inform parents and carers that the organisation has a duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and, that in order to do this, we may need to share information with other agencies
  • Look for signs of potential radicalisation of young people; train staff appropriately and report as per the “Prevent” agenda.