Complaints Procedure
Complaints Procedure
It is the policy of Nottingham CIty College to ensure that the service and teaching provided meets and exceeds the expectations of all our Customers. To support this, we actively seek feedback from all users of our services. We encourage our customers to complain if they feel that their expectations have not been met. The College will use a structured approach to ensure the problem is resolved and will use this information to implement continuous improvement and promote good practice.
How to make a complaint – Tell us what you think, follow our 4 stage guide.
Where should I send my complaint to?
– Complaint forms should be put in a sealed envelope then either handed in at the College Reception
What happens next?
– We aim to send you an acknowledgement letter within 2 working days confirming who will carry out the investigation along with contact details
– Investigating staff will aim to meet with you within first 5-10 working days in order to investigate raised concerns.
– Final response will be sent by letter within 20 working days of first receiving it. This is our target for all complaints. If we need more time to investigate, we will explain why and when you can expect our response.
– If you remain dissatisfied, you have the right of appeal which must be made in writing to the College Principal, within 10 working days of the date on the final response letter being issued.
– The Principal or designated Deputy/Vice Principal depending on who conducts the appeal will respond within 10 working days and arrange an appropriate time to meet with the complainant to discuss your appeal.
– Appeal hearing letter sent within 10 working days of appeal hearing
– After hearing your appeal, the Principal or Deputy/Vice Principal’s decision will be final.
If you are still dissatisfied, you have the right to appeal to either the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) for FE funded courses, Awarding Body/ University or Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA). These bodies may not investigate the original complaint you made against the College but will look at whether the College handled your complaint appropriately.
Cut off limits
The College cut-off is 3 months after the date of an incident to accept a complaint unless there is clear evidence that the complainant needed longer and therefore the College is willing to consider these exceptions
Speak to your Progress Coach/Tutor/ACM as soon as possible
to see if the issue can be resolved at this stage.
If your problem is unfortunately not resolved at this stage then please proceed to stage 2.
Visit calderdale.ac.uk/contact-us/compliment-comment-or-complaint/
and raise a formal complaint.
An acknowledgement letter or email will be sent within two working days confirming the contact
details of who will carry out the investigation.
The manager or head of unit who is investigating the complaint will arrange a meeting within
5 – 10 working days. The final response will be within 20 working days.
If your problem is unfortunately not resolved at this stage then please proceed to stage 3.
You have the right to appeal within 10 working days of the
date on the final response letter being issued.
After hearing your appeal, the Principal or Deputy/Vice Principal’s decision will be final.
If your problem is unfortunately not resolved at this stage then please proceed to stage 4.
The fourth stage includes appealing to the EFSA, Awarding Body,
Independent Adjudicator for HE.
These bodies may not investigate the original complaint you made against the College but will
look at whether the College handled your complaint appropriately.